Members & Projects


Dorothea Nolde, Professor for Early Modern History
From Cultural to National Conflict:
Conflict Management in Early Modern Diplomacy, ca. 1550-1815

Julia Gebke, Research Associate
Chess(wo)men’s Agency? Habsburg Women in Early Modern Dynastic Politics and Diplomacy


Stephan F. Mai, University Assistant (prae doc)
Biographical Experience and the Formation of Diplomatic Theory:
The Example of Abraham de Wicquefort (1606-1682)

Lars-Dieter Leisner, PhD Student, Scholarship Holder 
The Married Couple as a Working Couple in Early Modern Diplomacy.
Gender Roles between Court Society and State Affairs


Christof Muigg, PhD Student
Precarious Practice. Strategies of Imperial Generals in Early Modern Diplomacy

Associate Member


Birgit Tremml-Werner, Post-doc Researcher, HERA Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Negotiating hybrid friendship –
Early modern Spanish diplomatic exchange with South East Asian rulers